Monday, 5 September 2011

The start of a new railway

Finally I have been able to make a start on my model railway. It is housed in the attic room of my house and has already posed a few problems.
So far I have put the basbords down one side which leaves me with a shel 12' x 2' but this will eventually spread around the room.
I must apologise for the state of my woodwork but as its going to be a permeant layout the carpentry could be a little more basic.
The bit of track I got is temporary and I wont be doing any decent track work until all the bords are down. 
As most of my stock has been in long term storage I thought I needed a bit of track as I need to do a lot of servicing.

I thought the first train to run should be a a test train from the RTC

This should be the first of many blogs and will also document the progress of my railway

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